Ready, Set, Go!
Nick and I are beside ourselves with excitement. We realize this will be a long journey with many highs and lows, but we are certain the waiting will be absolutely worth it. Because this will be a long journey, we know we will need people to come alongside us to encourage us, pray for us, and remind us that the end will be so worth it.
We are excited to be working with Bethany Christian Services through their Domestic Adoption program. Right now we are in the initial application phase. After our application is approved, we will begin the homestudy phase. This process will take 3-4 months. Once our homestudy is written up and approved we will then be considered a “waiting family.” The process from that point can take anywhere from a month to 3 or 4 years. We are praying and believing in God’s perfect timing.
We have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from people around us. We are thankful for such amazing friends and family. We have had many people ask what they can be doing to help. The first, and most important, way you can help us is to pray. Pray for God’s will to be accomplished and that we would be obedient regardless of what He asks of us. The second is to encourage us and remind us that God’s timing is perfect. It is a weird feeling to begin the journey of “being a parent” and not have a set timeline of 9 months. There will be days when we are tired of waiting and there will be days when the pace seems overwhelming. Encourage us and remind us that God is in control. Finally, at times the cost of adoption can seem overwhelming. We are confident that God will provide as He always has. The total costĀ of the adoption process itself will total about $25,000.00. We have to have $5,000 to complete the application and homestudy process.We will in the coming months be doing someĀ fundraising, and are completely open to any ideas and advice anyone has about how to raise what at times seems like such an overwhelming amount. We know God has no limits when it comes to money and ask daily for faith to trust Him.
We want you to know that we value your time spent reading this blog, your prayers, and the huge impact you are already having on our baby.