
T-Shirts anyone?

What an incredible couple of days it has been! We have been very blessed by so many kind words, comments, and prayers. In fact, in the next few days we will have a special blog post to further elaborate on some of those blessings.

For now however I want to introduce you to our first fundraising event! As Kayla mentioned in her post, the adoption process is rather expensive. Of course, in our opinion it is worth every penny, but that does not change the fact that it is impossible for us to fund this adoption without God blessing us through some fundraising efforts.

Kayla, some great friends, and I have been brainstorming numerous ways to raise funds and we have come up with some great ideas that we will be introducing over the next few days, weeks, and months. Starting today we will be collecting orders for #4thischild t-shirts. These shirts (the design is the featured picture on this post) were designed and will be printed by Screen Graphics in Paris, Texas. Each shirt will cost $18, which will allow us to raise nearly $10 per each ordered shirt. Our goal is to raise at least $500 with this fundraiser!

Kayla and I are very blessed to have people praying and supporting us from numerous states. This definitely includes our family and friends in Texas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. We will be providing pickup options in each state so please feel free to order no matter where you live!

How to order?

To order online you can fill out the order form below or click here

You can also order by calling/texting Kayla or me at any time!

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