We’re Adopting!
Hello everyone and welcome to our Adoption blog/website!
Kayla and I invite you to look around and get to know us better. So many of you have already offered such kind words and prayers and we cannot thank you enough for that. It is our hope and our goal to keep you as updated as possible as we travel down this wonderful road of adoption.
It seemed to us that one of the best ways to keep everyone ‘in-the-loop’ was by blogging. Not only will this blog serve as a way to keep everyone updated but it will also serve as a time capsule for us, and our future child, to look at and see how God orchestrated this process for His will and His glory.
Our blog/website name is 4thischild.com and you will see us using the phrase and hashtag #4ThisChild frequently. This is based on 1 Samuel 1:27, which states: “For this child I prayed and He has granted me my request.”
Right now we are holding onto the first part of that verse as we pray daily for the child the Lord will one day bless us with. We look forward with great anticipation to the day where we can proudly claim the second part of that verse as well.
Be on the lookout for frequent updates on this blog! I know Kayla is in the process of writing an entry and we have promised each other to write at least one new update each week. Again, thank you so much for praying for us and for stopping by our site!