
Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe that we are already five days into 2015!

2014 ended in a whirlwind fashion. As most of you know I had a trip to OKC planned for December 9-14th. This trip was going to serve as my way to visit family during the Christmas season but also as a chance to visit my grandfather.

Pop (as we called him) had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in March of 2014 and after some treatments we realized that his time on Earth was drawing to an end. I was very grateful to be able to spend those days in Oklahoma, including getting to tell Pop about our adoption progress, and indeed only about 12 hours before my flight was to return me to Knoxville, Pop passed away.

I of course changed my flight itinerary and remained in Oklahoma until the 19th in order to be with family and officiate Pop’s funeral.

While I am saddened that our child will not get to meet Pop I realize that so many of his characteristics and personality traits live in me and I take great comfort and joy in that.

Christmas and New Years passed in a whirlwind of church events, family gatherings, and both Kayla and I managing to catch a few rounds of stomach bugs.

Despite the rapid passing of days the fact that we are beyond blessed did not manage to slip past me. Kayla and I are lucky to have wonderful jobs, great families, and terrific friends.

There has not been any progress in our home study application yet. As we have mentioned in previous posts we have turned in our packet and are waiting for our reference forms to be mailed, filled out, and returned. We knew that this process would take a little bit of time especially with the Christmas holiday and everything else that makes December such a hectic month.

2014, like most years, had its up and downs but we were certainly blessed throughout it. We are looking forward to everything 2015 brings and know that even during the ‘bad days’ of the upcoming year God will still be with us.

Until next time,


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