Nick’s Story

My Name Is Nick

A Student Pastor 

Nick's Story


ello! My name is Nick and I was born in Oklahoma City, OK and grew up in the nearby town of Mustang. Family was always a very high priority in my life. I have two brothers and one sister, and many of my fondest memories from growing up consist of family dinners or get-togethers at my grandparents’ home.

Both of my parents modeled a great work ethic for our family to follow and I can hardly think of a better love story, or picture of true love, than my grandparents’ relationship.

When I was in seventh grade I started attending church and quickly realized that I needed God in my life. After giving my life to Christ I almost immediately felt a call into ministry.

The rest of my high school career passed without much incident. I was a decent student, loved being in band, and enjoyed making lifelong friends at school and at church.

In 2006, just one year after graduating, I became the student pastor at my home church in the Oklahoma City area where I remained on staff until 2011. During that time I also attended the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Baptist University.

My life completely changed when I met, and later married, Kayla. I am beyond blessed to have her in my life and am so very excited to add a precious child to our family.

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